Helpful Books for Adult Faith Formation and RCIA
Glavich, Kathleen, INTRODUCING CATHOLIC PRAYERS FOR RCIA LEADERS, Twenty Third Publication, New London, CT, 2009
- a wonderful resource for teaching about prayer, and a practical help with praying at RCIA meetings
Parent, Neil, A CONCISE GUIDE TO ADULT FAITH FORMATION, Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, In., 2009
- identifies the important ways of supporting and encouraging lifelong faith formation
Vaghi, Peter J., THE FAITH WE PROFESS, Ave Maria Press, Indiana, 2008
- A summary of the core beliefs found in the Apostles' Creed
Vaghi, Peter J., THE SACRAMENTS WE CELEBRATE, Ave Maria Press, Indiana, 2010
- A close look at each of the seven sacraments and their significance for us today
Wagner, N., THE WAY OF FAITH, Twenty Third Publications, New London, CT., 2008
- A comprehensive guide to all aspects of the RCIA, with helpful advice about all the different steps and stages of the rite